Saturday, January 07, 2006

Simple Plan Needs Jesus

haha.. I came across this while being distracted from writing my cross cultural journals. This song is by Because We're Loved. Title : Simple Plan Needs Jesus. [no kiddingsss!!!] I was chuckling to myself when I saw this because I've always thought that they were lame.
download the song here or here.

Stop complaining, we're all tired of your whining
We do enough ourselves and don't need more from you
Your life's not what you make it seem
Thousands of fans and a hit CD
And there's more on the way or that's what they say
You know it's hard to feel sorry for you
When you're doing what so many kids want to
Whoa, whoa, give us good news
Whoa give us some good news
'Cause we all get a little bumped and bruised
But that doesn't mean that we all lose
And you're right, tomorrow won't be better
If everyone had a life like yours seems
You don't, you don't, you don't, you don't
Tell us anything good
Maybe that would be a refreshing change
That car, your test, you can't blame those on anyone else

When you wake up each morning and see the sun
do you think about all that the father has done?

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