Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Start my day with a post

I'm in the office right now.
Half an hour early today. I'm not feeling groggy today, but reaching office early kinda makes my day longer... Oh well, but I had a free ride from my bro-in-law.
I'm going to watch Lords of Dogtown today!! Finally, 3 weeks after its release ( or more.) Everytime we planned to meet up, something has to crop up, like one of us cannot make it, or my stupid ankle, work, blah.
I can't wait!!! It's been many moons since I got my dosage of skater punks, since the movie Grind, and I've already watched it so many times.
Hey all of you out there, if you are amidst the exam stress or feeling depressed or simply need a good laugh, please watch GRIND. It's so hilarious!

Ok, I'm going to check movie times.

Lord, let Your will be done today, and that it may be fruitful!

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