Thursday, January 06, 2005

Not my day at all.

It's so comfortable typing from this soft rubbery keyboard... whheeee. I wished this ibook G4 was mine.. Better run away with it before Denise comes back from the school bookshop with that stupid plastic cover that costs $2.65. Photography is an expensive module man. Thank God I chose not to use the film camera, otherwise I would have spent more than 30 bucks on camera batteries, film, developing and printing like the others did. And all this just to submit one out of five of the deadlines.

Crap. I thought it was really my day yesterday when I scored a picture perfect shot just before I crhossed the road to the printing shop. It was brilliant. (thanks BPC!) And I just found out other than submitting one 8R shot, I've gotta also submit a total of 24 shots in a cd. And I don't have a camera now. My friend, which I borrowed the camera from, deleted some of the pictures I took. urrggggh. I'm lost.

Scheduled to jam coming wednesday. I havent learnt any of the songs yet. Sigh.

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