Thursday, September 07, 2006

Horacio Hernandez Drum Clinic

By the end of the drum clinic, I must say I was quite disappointed. Unlike the other clinics that I've been to, this one only had the star solo once. (if I didn't remember wrongly, A REAL SOLO solo that is)
Though it may be so, like what Bro Boon said, Horacio did more teaching than "showing off" at this clinic, which I appreciate so.
Kinda useful, incorporating playing of rhumba claves in 4/4 timing and 6/8 timing.
At the end of the show he started playing this instrument, which when he played, it almost appeared to be punching buttons on a SEGA gameboy.
This instrument was once a dear to the late Bob Marley and it produces high pitched melodious tones, perfect for lullabies. It was wonderful watching him and hearing him play that "M-Bira" (dont know how to spell), but I was expecting him to stomp away on the set after that. And it didn't happen. So the drum clinic ended like this, peacefully.......

Out at the signing table, he was super friendly.. a few of my friends even asked him to sign their equipment. For Remo, Vic-Firth etc, He actually cancelled off the branding and wrote on Evans and Zildjian. That was so funny, but he was kind enough to sign them.

This is the first time I didn't bring anything home from a clinic - no ticket stubs/photos/collaterals. Too crowded I guess.

Anyway I took photo with Ling outside DBS auditorium...We realised that our colors were really coordinated. haha..

Black and Purple. Ian just looks lame here.

this is niceeee, but we didn't know Ian and ruyuan were in the pic until later.. Benedict said:"ruyuan looks like a cardboard cutout... "

hahaha so funny...

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