Saturday, December 24, 2005

Being 18

my favourite picture for that night.

cheers to the youngest of the group! finally 18!

These are two of the pictures we took that night (We took a total of 66 shots *sweat*).

We were casually talking about being 18 and looking back at how we were anticipating it when we were 16. And now we're looking at turning 21. A few said they feel old. I don't at all. To me, 18's just another age, I don't feel much different from being 16, just that I know my priorities have changed and I live for a purpose. I still feel the excitement of being 16, where possibilities are boundaryless and impossible is nothing!
I looked through my archives... I had my first online blog ever in April 2004. Wow. That was after I got to know Celest. After reading through the posts, I've realised how much I have grown and how much God has been with me, moulding me, loving me, guiding me through the sorrows and pain. From the remnants of the past relationship with Kol, I emerged and staggered through, in search of a purpose, I went from valleys to summits, valleys to summits and valleys to summits again. Nevertheless, I was never lost from His sight and now I'm truely living a life that is fulfilling. Thank God, I am able to play drums to serve Him and people now! Yippeee.

Catch Strikeforce playing Sat 24th Dec 4:15pm~,7pm~,7:15pm~, 9:45pm~ and Sun 25th Dec 12:30pm~, 3:30pm, 4:15pm at Christmas Land Carnival Expo Hall 6. (~ means I would be playing)

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