Sunday, December 11, 2005

the 4 temperaments

hi guys, sorry that I don't blog enough. Been very busy with schoolwork..but Thank God I've been able to survive through.
From the previous post, the Chingay Media Preview was quite alright, it was on the Channel 8/U news, but sadly, I wasn't caught on camera. Oh well, there are more chances in future.

I've just started reading this book, The Spirit-controlled Woman by Beverly LaHaye. It discusses the temperaments of people. All humans have temperaments. And these are acquired genetically.
There are four types:

Melancholic :

(+) Sensitive, loves music and art, analytical, emotionally responsive, dependable friend, faithful, loyal, makes friends cautiously.

(-) Moody, gloomy, Pessimistic, likes to suffer(matyr mentality), Hypochondriac, proud, Depressive, introspective to the point of being harmful, carry grudge and revengeful, critical of others and imperfections, suspicious of others.

Phelgmatic :

(+) Calm, dependable, peace-loving, good listener, gives advice only when asked, works well under pressure, Neat, Conservative.

(-) Lacks confidence in self, Rarely laughs aloud, compromising, selfish and stingy, unenthusiastic, indifferent, attitude of superiority, uninvolved spectator, lack of motivation, indecisive.

Sanguine :

(+) Warm, lively, charismatic, talkative, compassionate, carefree, sociable, always smiling and friendly, gifted in caring for sick.

(-) Emotionally unpredictable, restless, exagerates the truth, spontaneous outburst of anger, naive and childlike, impulsive buyer, completely disorganized, enjoys people and forget them, fall short of goal, easily distracted.

Choleric :

(+) Confident and natural leader, strong-willed, self-determined, optimistic,motivator, good organizer, quick and bold in emergencies, sets goals and reaches them.

(-) overly self-confident, prejudiced, violent anger problem, unsympathetic and harsh, makes decision for others, tend to dominate group, bored by details, opinionated.

Temperament is the oldest theory of human behaviour. It was conceived by the Greek physician Hippocrates, who is known as the "father of modern medicine."

Since temperaments are a part of our genes, they cannot be changed. And most of us are usually a combination of two of the temperaments. This means that you could be a MelChlor, SanPhelg, ChlorSan, SanMel or MelSan or PhelgMel? There are a total of 12 blends of temperaments.
And this book talks about how you are able to lead a more fulfilling life and strengthen the weakness in your life as u balance your primary and secondary temperaments. And this is possible as we walk with the Holy Spirit more.

Haven't finished reading the book yet, but it unlocks the mysteries as to why people do the things they do and how it would be possible to be less controlled by emotions.

I think, I'm a MelSan. Because I adore arts and music and am a faithful friend! San because I'm super messy.
But I can be quite phelg also. haha, What do you think u are?
There's a short test in the book, if you're interested do drop me a message =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey. I just started reading a book by Mr. LaHaye called "Why you act the way you do?" So far as I can tell I am a MelPleg. Any tips about Christian ways to improve moods and prevent depression? Thanks