Friday, November 21, 2008

Believing in God's Providence

I usually don't, but I woke up real early today. I got to church by 8am to wait for Shona. I felt great honour to be able to attend Asia Conference, even though it was only two sessions. The first session that I attended today, changed my life and mindset.

Following to my previous post, I guess a sweet little birdie must have been praying for me because God gave me the rhema answer to all my worries and rants through Dr. A.R.Bernard's preaching today.

Dr. A.R.Bernard started talking about Obama's win in the American Presidency Election and mentioned God was in the midst of all these, drawing reference to Nebuchadnezzar's reign as king during babylonian times. (Daniel 2:20-23) Nebu was not the natural choice, but God placed him in power. In the US, McCain was the preferred choice for most Christian believers. However, Obama's winning reflected God's intervention - it was not because he was God's special ordained one, but it was a result of a perfect storm (financial crisis, US policies..etc); so God stepped in providentially to interrupt the natural sequence of things.

I look at my situation.. It seemed pretty stuck and I'm pretty unhappy. This message really encouraged me to believe that God can, and HAS started moving in my life providentially when I started feeling unhappy and wanting CHANGE in my life! I am now just waiting for the kairos moment for a meaningful change to take place so that the course of my life can go towards for God had meant for.

What I am going through now, being broke, unhappy with overworking and lack of time, frustrations and exhaustion, it is the perfect storm that will eventually subside to unveil God's providential favour in my life.

I speak this. into existence.


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