Monday, May 23, 2005

The Holy Spirit is real.

The Holy Spirit is real.

Though this is long outdated "news" in my life, but I am more than excited to share this...

It was a phenomenal week I had previous week, I experienced the Holy Spirit so real in my life. Encounters upon encounters that has opened up my eyes and enlarged my faith.
That week, Pst Phil Pringle was in town and we had a three day conference in church. On the first night, I happened to go home with Irenaus and we began chatting...She told me about how she ministered to this old forty something "ah beng" and all the funny details during the encounter..
At the end of it she was just sharing that many of us are often occupied with the many tasks and busy with serving, going to church, cellgroup, doing followup..and then at the end of the day we wonder, "When is God going to use me?" Then she continued, "As long we remain faithful over the little things, God will use you.."
*BHAM* By then there were tears in my eyes, because it was the exact same words that God was reminding me in the morning! Wow. I was so touched. I trusted Him.
The next day, I managed to invite my cousin to church and boy, I could really see that she wants to know God. She asked me if I had an extra bible to give her because she finds it interesting to read it. I really ask God that He would manifest Himself as she reads..And then I realised, a year ago I was facing a breakup. It wasn't easy to move on, but I grew from it and now I've emerged stronger. AND right now, she's facing a breakup and I could understand how she feels and share with her what I've been through. Indeed, God does not let any of our hurts and experiences go wasted. He has a plan for everything!

Through the past few weeks, I learnt that this life I lead is really not my own. Submitting my decisions, actions and lifestyle to Him is an ultimate experience for me..Just last week, a friend of mine came up to me and said, "Julia, something that you told me that day changed my life." I was so encouraged! It turned out that she was facing a major crisis in her life that required her to make a decision...and a statement that I made over dinner caused her to affirm her faith and she made the decision to not give up. Wow. So this is how God speaks to different individual one of us. and each of us could be one that speaks into people's life, because we are all temple of the Holy Spirit!

I thank Him for using me. I know that walking with Him has really changed my life and it is always exciting to see how He let things happen..WOooh.

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