Thursday, April 02, 2009

a world that strives for?

A few days back I was having a conversation with somebody more senior regarding my career prospects. Though I was not that comfortable sharing fully on what I want for my future, I just felt the conversation was getting nowhere, I might as well be transparent about what I have in mind so that she understands why I made the decision I made.
I told her a major factor contributing to my decision was because I want to pursue further in music, to be able to have more time to do music.
She chuckled and said in a seemingly teaseful, "So idealistic!" and the next comment she made surprised me, "You siao ah hahaha"...and "Why you so naive..." And she went on about how I have to look at reality.
I just smiled back at her and listened to her words, and I tried to mentally digest them.
It didn't occur to me until much later, that those words, though delivered with light laughter, were actually rather taunting. (Yes i know i'm quite slow..)

I kept thinking about it...This is not the first time I've been put down on my dreams, but I'm rather shocked to receive this from somebody that is supposedly respectable, and of higher social status. And yes, I do look at the reality, and that is why I dare to make such a statement. To others I may be idealistic, and she's not the first one to say I am. And anyway what's wrong with being idealistic? The world says it like its a bad thing... And if that's the case, does that mean the world has no ideals to strive for? Shouldn't we all go for perfection and excellence? If not, why is the world working their life away, just to earn more for better quality in life?

I believe in the vision that God has planted in my head and I believe that I still have some years of youth to pursue that vision. Go ahead and say that I'm crazy, but yes, I'd rather be crazy than to look back in regret.


mdfgrifter said...

totally agree! if music is your calling in life, then go for it! so what if its a respectable wealthy whatever person, she doesn't know who gives you the dreams, and she doesn't know you. in fact, at the end of the day, you'll see who gets the last laugh! hahaha..

but seriously, i respect and admire pple like u who do what u want n not succumb to the pressures of "reality", who live life to fulfil your desires n not just to survive n do what society expects of u.

mdfgrifter said...

anyway i was typing something then got d/c when i tried to post the comment, (arghhh..) but anyway to cut a long story short.. go for it, go fulfil your dreams, go do it for His glory, go show the world that dreams can become reality!

i really respect pple like u who do their thing, don't succumb to the pressures of "reality", don't succumb to demoralising n hurtful words. doing what u enjoy, what u do best, is the only way to liv life!

supporting u n ray all the way. =)

TC said...

Dreams are good, it gives one a sense of purpose. Do both - pursue that dream but keep half of yourself on the ground. It takes time to establish on the music scene....

Anyway, I happened to stumble on this blogsite whilst searching for other stuff... Keep well, and drink lots of water.